EMIR REFIT Trade Reporting

Your Partner in Streamlined Regulatory Reporting

EMIR Trade Reporting

EMIR trade reporting is the mandatory requirement for parties in the EU involved in derivative transactions to report transaction details to authorized trade repositories. Reported data includes parties’ details, derivative type, notional amount, trade date, and more. The goal is to monitor activity, mitigate systemic risk, detect market abuse, assess counterparty risk, and boost investor confidence in the EU’s derivatives market.

Challenges in EMIR Trade Reporting

EMIR trade reporting include complex reporting requirements for diverse derivative contracts, ensuring accurate and consistent data, interoperability with counterparties’ systems, and meeting tight reporting deadlines. Reconciling data with counterparties, complying with legal entity identifiers (LEIs), and navigating cross-border reporting complexities are also concerns.

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With RegAssure Today

Take the first step towards effortless compliance management. Contact us now to learn how RegAssure can streamline your regulatory processes.

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What Solution Reg-X provides?

  • Reg-X provide EMIR trade reporting by offering a user-friendly platform for seamless data collection and submission to trade repositories.
  • Provide data validation tools to ensure accurate reporting, and offer automated solutions that integrate with clients’ systems for timely submissions.
  • Stay updated with EMIR regulations to provide real-time compliance alerts. We also offer analytics, insights, and consulting services to help clients navigate reporting requirements effectively.
  • We also offer analytics, insights, and consulting services to help clients navigate reporting requirements effectively.
  • We tailor solutions to different client needs to establish to a valuable partnership with our clients for better compliance.
  • Click here for FCA
  • Click here for ESMA